About Me

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I am a stay at home mom. I am married to a wonderful man and we have the cutest little boy. We are in the process of adopting a little girl from Uganda. This is the reason for starting a blog. I am making these bows and selling them so that I can get enough money for the adoption costs.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Well after a long journey to pick up Kenty we ended up coming home without her. The judge wouldn't give us the ruling until after we were scheduled to leave. Which meant we couldn't get a visa until after the ruling and it could take a few weeks. The judge was supposed to give the ruling today but she never showed up to court. Nice. She had a long weekend they said so she should be in tomorrow. I pray that if theres no way we can get a visa for her that the judge would just say no. It's really stressful not knowing if we will be able to bring her home. We got really attached to her while we were in Uganda. She called us mama and daddy. She was alot of fun and is very happy all the time. I miss her. I have cried alot but God has taught me so much through this process. I am just waiting for the ruling so I can breathe. I will give more updates later.