About Me

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I am a stay at home mom. I am married to a wonderful man and we have the cutest little boy. We are in the process of adopting a little girl from Uganda. This is the reason for starting a blog. I am making these bows and selling them so that I can get enough money for the adoption costs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Well we started decorating Kenty and Jeremiah's room this week. I have made it a girl/boy room. the base color is a grey-blue and one one side of the room I put pinkish purple dots and on the other side of the room I put light green dots. We bought Kenty's bed and letters to hang on the wall over her bed just like we had for Jeremiah. It looks so amazing because they have their sides of the wall and it looks good at the same time. Jeremiah wanted to sleep in her bed that first night we set it up and we told him it was Kenty's bed, well he asked "where is Kenty?". it was so cute. We have her picture up so Jeremiah can see her everyday and he walks by her picture and kisses her. I think he is starting to understand that Kenty is going to be living here and he walks by Kenty's bed and verifies whose bed it is. It's so much fun buying little girl things, I'm excited to use some of the bows I made for Kenty:) Anyways. I am pretty excited and I can't wait to have her here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Well today we had our home study and it was awesome. The lady who interviewed us is a Christian and she was such a wonderful person. We talked for three hours and when we were done she said we should have all our paperwork in two weeks and then we can go to Uganda and pick up our little girl. I had so many emotions today. I smiled most of the day and I also wanted to cry because I love Kenty so much even though we have never met. My husband and I went to Wal-mart and bought paint to get her room ready. Now begins the process of buying things for her. Our previous child was a boy so we have only boy things. So now we need to buy a bed, car seat and clothes and or coarse girl toys:) This has been such a wonderful day. Thank you Lord.